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Curriculum Hubs
Curriculum Hubs are funded by the DfE to provide high-quality training and support to schools.
We recommend registering for newsletters and updates from relevant hubs to find out what is on offer.
Computing Hub
The Teach Computing Bucks, Berks and Oxon Hub is part of a national network of 40 hubs set up in 2019 following a significant investment by the DfE to improve the provision of computing education in England.
It is the go-to place locally for support and offers quality CPD opportunities to ensure pupils have the best quality computing teaching.
Contact us at TeachComputing@scd.herts.sch.uk
English Hub
Whiteknights Primary School is proud to be one of the government's English Hubs - one of just 34 schools nationwide recognised for their excellence in teaching and learning, and now charged with supporting other local schools to raise their standards and improve the educational outcomes for the most disadvantaged children.
Our CPD events are funded by the DfE and are free to attend. All sessions are held virtually to make it as easy as possible for teachers and leaders to attend. Some sessions have been designed with Early Career Teachers (ECT) or current trainee teachers who are completing their Initial Teacher Training (ITT) in mind however the sessions are open to teachers and support staff of all levels of experience.
Maths Hub
Maths Hubs bring together mathematics education professionals in a collaborative national network, to develop and spread excellent practice, for the benefit of all pupils and students.
The BBO Maths Hub is one of a network of 40 Maths Hubs in England, working together within the Maths Hubs Programme, which began in 2014. The programme is funded by the DfE and coordinated by the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics.
Visit the BBO website to find out about Maths Hubs Professional and School Development Opportunities for this academic year. Discover fully funded subject-specific opportunities to support professional learning for teachers and development for departments and schools.
The National Centre for Excellence for Language Pedagogy (NCELP) CPD Courses provide an unparalleled opportunity for teachers to develop a comprehensive understanding of the 2016 Modern Foreign Languages Pedagogy Review recommendations, providing a springboard for any curriculum and pedagogy development planning in light of the new subject content for GCSE French, German and Spanish.
All our MFL CPD courses are free and in line with: 2016 Modern Foreign Languages Pedagogy review recommendations, 2021 Ofsted research review, New Subject Content for French, German and Spanish GCSE – for first teaching in 2024 with first exams in summer 2026.
Thames Valley Early Years Stronger Practice Hub
Our hub recognises that in the post-pandemic period, children will need support with their communication and social skills development. We recognise that there are higher levels of children with additional needs, children who have difficulties in managing their feelings, following instructions and concentrating. We recognise that family anxieties are also having an impact on early years children.
At Thames Valley Early Years Stronger Practice Hub, our aim is to support the early years sector and improve the practice of setting practitioners and childminders through the sharing of evidence based practice messages, using the EEF (Education Endowment Fund) Early Years Evidence Store, as a basis for all we do. Furthermore, through the EEF we will provide fully-funded opportunities for evidence-based professional development. Practitioners will be kept up-to-date with the key messages from this evidence-based approach, through newsletters, our social media pages, networks, and webinars.
Our highly experienced partners work collaboratively to bring together their expertise from across the early years sector. We work with our partners and local authorities to support the sector in giving every child and family the best experience of early education and the best chance to maximise their outcomes. We teach leaders in early education how to lead change and measure impact effectively.
Research Schools
The Research Schools Network is a collaboration of 33 schools across England, supported by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF). Research Schools work with schools, colleges, and early years settings to champion the use of evidence and improve teaching and learning, with a focus on socio-economically disadvantaged children and young people.
Research Schools provide support to other schools by communicating research evidence, and supporting the translation of this into practice through training, exemplification and school-to-school support.
Whole School SEND
Whole School SEND is a consortium of charities, schools and organisations committed to helping children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) or learning differences to reach their full potential.
As a DfE funded organisation, all of their work and resources are free to access. They offer CPDL on a wide range of topics, hosted by regional lead teams and a range of guest speakers from the world of education.
Whole School SEND recognise that understanding the local context is crucial to improving national SEND provision. Each region has a Regional SEND team, formed from school-based SEND practitioners, to support prioritisation of SEND across the region.